2½ cups (300g) | all-purpose flour |
1 tsp. (6g) | salt |
3 oz. (84g) | cold water |
½ cup (119g) | heavy cream |
1 (17g) | large egg yolk, divided |
1 lb. (454g) | Plugrá® Premium Butter, unsalted, softened |
1 cup (120g) | all-purpose flour |
1 |
Combine the flour and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Add the cream, water and egg and mix on low speed until the dough comes together. Transfer to a lightly floured surface, knead a few times, form into a disc and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
2 |
Butter Block:
Combine the butter and flour in the same mixer bowl. Mix on low speed with the paddle attachment until well blended. Transfer onto a sheet of parchment paper and form into a 7 x 9-inch rectangle. Top with a second sheet of parchment and press or roll to make sure the butter has an even thickness. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes or until the dough has been rolled out.
3 |
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and put it on a lightly floured surface. Sprinkle flour over the top of the dough and gently roll it into a 12 x 18-inch rectangle.
4 |
Turn the dough so that the long side is facing you. Place the butter onto half of the dough and fold the other half over it so that the dough resembles the cover of a book, and the butter is where the pages would be. Fold the edges over the butter and press to seal I the butter; turn it over. The sealed edges will be on the counter and the top will be smooth. Lightly flour the top and gently roll into about a 10 x 15-inch rectangle – this doesn’t have to be perfect. Turn the dough over and brush off any excess flour with a pastry brush. Fold the dough into thirds so you end up with a rectangle that is about 5 x 10-inches. Place the dough with the center section facing up on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 45 minutes.
5 |
The First 2 Turns: Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place on a lightly floured surface with the narrow end towards you. Flour the top and, starting at the center of the dough, try rolling it a few times. If it is too hard, tap the dough gently with your rolling pin to soften it. Continue rolling the dough until if forms a 10 x 15-inch rectangle, turning it as needed to get the dimensions you need. If the dough pulls and forms ripples, it is too warm and should be returned to the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to firm up. If it is too hard, the edges will pull and begin to crack. Tap it with the rolling pin to soften or wait a few minutes before rolling
6 |
When the dough is the correct size, brush any excess flour off the top, and fold into thirds as shown in step 4. Repeat Step 5 to complete the first 2 turns. Place the dough onto the cookie sheet, and using your finger, press 2 indentations into the top of the dough. This will let you know you have completed 2 turns. Return to the refrigerator and chill for 45 minutes.
7 |
Turns 3 through 6: Repeat Steps 5 and 6, pressing your fingers into the dough 4, then 6 times to indicated how many turns you have completed.
8 |
Let the dough rest for 1 hour before using in your favorite recipes. If you don’t use it within 1 to 2 days, wrap well and freeze. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight before using.